Global Guide

Guide to manufacturing products in Turkey

Find out how to outsource products in Turkey, developed as one of Europe's most prominent sourcing locations in the fashion industry.

Guide to manufacturing products in Turkey

2024 Product Sourcing Guide - Turkey

Turkey has been a serious global economic contender. With its large domestic market bringing “Turkish-based” outsourced products into the world, it’s no surprise that investors are enticed to hear more about the country. 

Compared to Asian suppliers, the business culture in Turkey is rather similar to that of the West, which has made it simpler for purchasers interested in sourcing from Turkey to do so.

Turkey flag
Photo by Meg Jerrard from Unsplash

Turkey’s Success in Global Market

There is no question that Turkey has successfully integrated itself into the globalized world due to its strong economic performance. Turkey, or what in the present day would like to be called the Republic of Türkiye, is a transcontinental country located mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia, with a small portion on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe.

Telus International even said that Turkey has ranked as the “leading innovation economy” in its region. The exceptional performance of the nation was the result of the combined efforts, including a strong macroeconomic strategy, structural changes, and favorable fiscal policies.

In addition, as the prices of low-cost country sourcing (LCC) from China continue to climb, Turkey has caught the attention of potential investors searching for chances to source goods there.

Photo by Şinasi Müldür from Pexels

Why Turkey is a great place to source products

There are many reasons why Turkey can be considered one of the best countries to source products from. The significant Turkish diaspora that has settled in several countries across Western Europe, particularly Germany, has been of great assistance in the development of commercial ties between that region and Turkish manufacturing companies.

The country is geographically placed at the crossroads of East and West, as well as North and South. Not only that, Turkey has a unique political scenario that makes it the only democracy in the Muslim world modeled after the democratic systems of the West.

Because of this, Turkey has emerged as an essential ally for the West in its interactions with the Muslim world. This provides an explanation for its strategic position, which encourages investments from Western multinational firms looking to expand their operations in the country.

 Inside a Turkey store
Photo by Benjamin Sow from Unsplash


What are Turkey’s Top Exports?

Turkey is one of the world's leading exporters, with a wide range of products sourced from throughout the country. Its top exports include:

  • Precious stones and metals
  • Apparel and clothing
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Chemicals and fuels
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Automotive parts and accessories
  • Iron and steel products.

In addition to this broad range of products being exported from Turkey, the country also produces a variety of textiles, including carpets, rags, and towels.

The Turkish economy has benefited significantly from its export activities over the years. In 2019 alone, it exported $173 billion worth of goods worldwide. This export activity has allowed Turkey to build strong trading relationships with countries around the world while also providing employment opportunities for its citizens.

The following items are the most popular products to export from Turkey:

  • Knitwear and Fashion Apparel
  • Jewelry
  • Turkish Carpets
  • Turkish Furniture
  • Turkish Ceramics
  • Turkish Suits

Fashion industry
Photo by Ashim D’Silva from Unsplash

‍Turkey’s Outsourcing Business in Fashion Industry

Turkey has developed as one of Europe's most prominent sourcing locations in recent years. The fashion industry makes significant contributions to the Turkish economy's growth. According to market research reports for 2020, textiles account for 18.5% of all commodities shipped from Turkey.

Despite political upheavals, the country has always been ahead of the competition when it comes to selling clothing to Britain. In fact, Turkey is an important market for many UK fashion brands and traders.

For many years, Turkish factories have produced clothing for high-end merchants such as Marks & Spencer, Karen Millen, and George at ASDA. The fashion business is extremely important to the Turkish economy.

According to market research firm Euromonitor, reported by Drapers Online, textiles are the biggest export products from Turkey, reaching up to $16.8 billion in value. That equates to 18.5% of the total goods exported from the country. 

 Inside a manufacturer building of clothes
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Why Manufacturers Choose Turkey in Exporting Products

Despite the fact that procurement in Turkey is more expensive than in Asia, Turkish enterprises can provide products in short order and on a regular basis. In comparison to usual Far East sourcing locations, production expenses in Turkey are greater.

Turkey has a well-developed supply chain via which purchasers may obtain nearly any fabric, embroidery, and cleaning required for garment care in the country. The country is well-known around the world for its trendy textile and garment manufacturing industries.

Because Turkish manufacturers are capable of producing a wide range of fabrics and finishes, all garment-related tasks can be carried out in the nation with ease. They provide high-quality clothing at extremely reasonable prices.

Should You Source Your Products in Turkey?

If you are looking to source your products, Turkey is an excellent option. Here you can find a wide range of products ranging from apparel to electronics. Suppliers in Turkey are very reliable and can meet all your requirements with ease.

‍1. Low Costs

The cost of sourcing products from Turkey is competitive when compared to other countries, making it a great option for those looking for quality products at an affordable price. Additionally, the variety of items available in Turkey is vast, and you can find almost anything you need here.

‍2. High-Quality Products 

Despite the fact that Turkey is a budget-friendly country, Turkish manufacturers make high-quality goods at low production costs. Not to mention, Turkey has free trade agreements with the European Union and numerous other countries worldwide. 

3. Labor Advantages

Despite the fact that labor costs are cheap, the labor force's potential is enormous. Turkish suppliers produce high-quality products at reasonable prices.

Aside from the cost, other reasons for engaging and sourcing in Turkey can include increased manufacturing capacity, which aids in meeting deadlines, contemporary infrastructure, high-quality items, effectively improved customer service, tax advantages, and logistical advantages.

So if you are looking for a supplier that can provide quality products to meet your needs, sourcing from Turkey is definitely worth considering.


How to Source for Suppliers from Turkey

1. Online Market (Alibaba) has helped the Turkish economy to rise in the e-commerce market. This online market is one of the world's leading B2B marketplaces and has a booming B2B trading cluster in Turkey. connects sellers and buyers in the country with local and worldwide counterparts, and the platform facilitates trading in millions of products that satisfy business demands.

2. Sourcing Agents

‍Sourcing agents can help you facilitate business in Turkey faster and easier. The services they usually provide are the following:

  • Selection of best manufacturers/factories
  • Negotiation for the prices
  • Quality Control
  • Inspection - Certification
  • Shipping
  • Export orientation

If you need help, reach out to us at Imprint Genius to guide you through the necessary steps. 

3. Domestic and Overseas Tradeshows

‍Domestic tradeshows are common in Turkey to highlight their product to the market. Thus, it’s also one of the places where you can take advantage of finding suppliers for your desired products. Turkey’s usual crowd drawers are:

Turkish suppliers can also be found at overseas shows in Asia, Europe, and the US.

Some of these shows are:

 Inside a call center building

When Doing Business in Turkey: The Only Tip You Need! 

‍Personal relationships are essential in Turkey, and they help to develop commercial relationships. Before doing business with the Turkish people, you must gain their trust.

Personal relationships in Turkey can aid in the formation of a network of acquaintances, and third-party introductions are critical in the development of trusted relationships.

There is a lot of respect for status, education, and authority in the Turkish corporate world.‍

The most senior individual in the firm usually makes the decisions. Because of the importance placed on the family in Turkey, the most senior company person is regarded as a father or mother figure who should be concerned about the well-being of their employees. Age is regarded as a symbol of wisdom in Turkey and should be respected in all sectors of life.

In Turkey, "saving face" is crucial. Turkish are proud people who might be easily offended, so be careful not to disgrace anyone.

Why You Need Imprint Genius When S ourcingProducts in Turkey

As we explained, Turkey is unrivaled when it comes to its goods and exports. Its products are built to last and are crafted with the highest materials and craftsmanship.

The textile and leather industries in the country are well-developed and efficient, and they can manufacture a wide range of items that exceed the highest international standards. Not only that, Turkish manufacturers have a reputation for dependability and innovation.  

If you are interested in getting the most out of sourcing from different countries, my company, Imprint Genius, can help you navigate and get the best products with the best deals. Click here for more details.


Who does Turkey trade with most?

Turkey's trading relationships are diverse, the European Union, particularly Germany, is the country's most significant trading partner. This is due to geographical proximity, shared history, and extensive economic agreements.

What products are manufactured in Turkey?

Turkey has a robust and diverse manufacturing sector. It is renowned for its textile and automotive industries, producing clothing, home textiles, and various automotive parts. Additionally, Turkey manufactures electronics, steel, petrochemicals, and food products. These industries contribute significantly to its economy and employment rates.

What goods does Turkey import and export?

Turkey's exports and imports cover a wide range. Key export goods include vehicles, machinery, iron and steel products, textiles, and foodstuffs. On the import side, Turkey brings in a large amount of raw materials, machinery, chemicals, and fuel. These are essential for supporting its industrial and energy needs. Please consult the latest trade statistics for an up-to-date overview.